HAR’POO OOD’OOH by Reuven and Mary Lou Doron
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, Even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with its swelling. Selah.
There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High. God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God shall help her, just at the break of dawn. The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved; He uttered His voice, the earth melted. The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.
Come, behold the works of the LORD, Who has made desolations in the earth. He makes wars cease to the end of the earth; He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two; He burns the chariot in the fire. Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.” Psalm 46.
Only a handful of scriptures from the poetic/prophetic portions in the Bible address so vividly and graphically the final shakings the earth and her inhabitants will have to endure before the great and terrible day of the Lord and the return of Jesus as a conquering King with the glory and power of His Kingdom. By the Spirit of God, the sons of Korah (the descendants of the very Korah who was dramatically judged in the wilderness after leading the rebellion against Moses), captured the full span of the terrible ecological, geographical, social and political turmoil that will come upon this world many centuries before John recorded the horrible visions of God’s final judgments in the book of Revelation.
And yet, in the midst of the turmoil, there is a city which drinks joy and peace from the River of God that runs through her. While billions of souls will be tossed to and fro throughout the shaken earth, as many already are, brutalized by increasing global distress, harassed by an avalanche of demonic spirits and bound by growing hopelessness and fear, “God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God shall help her, just at the break of dawn…”
That city, the reader must realize, is not an organization, a religious structure or anything man-made that even remotely carries the stench of flesh. Spiritually, this City is the people of God throughout the earth… families… neighbors… friends… fellowships of saints bound by shared devotion to the Lord and genuine relationships where we know each other and are known as who we truly are. Naturally, it is the City of Jerusalem; embattled, resisted, hated, even compromised… yet it shall stand as a symbol of God’s faithfulness and sovereignty to the very end of the age. In view of this embattled scenery, the authors of Psalm 46 also had a good word of instruction for us.
We recently returned from Israel where we led another pilgrim/intercession tour, and enjoyed family celebrations. God is so near to His children in Israel… in the midst of the international fiasco that is continuously raging concerning the fate of Jerusalem, and in the face of the increasing and horrific dangers from a hostile Islamic world that is fast nearing nuclear capabilities, there is tremendous peace and rest. As in the eye of the storm, there is supernatural and beautiful calm in the City of God.
Preparing and drinking Turkish coffee in Israel is an art we deeply enjoyed many times. In fact, “real” coffee must not only be prepared from strong coffee grounds boiling in a small “feenjan,” a Middle Eastern coffee kettle, but it must be brought to the point of boiling seven times before it is fully brewed. Likewise, the strategic and security dynamics of Israel have been brought to the point of boiling time and again, and just when it appears that the drink is about to boil over and spill, the fire is turned down and the drink continues to simmer quietly, until the next point of near boil. Watch and pray, the next round is near.
No doubt you have read many of the reports coming out continuously regarding the increasing regional dangers and international isolation Israel endures. The Islamic belligerence is on the rise; America is on the decline; Europe is neutralized and paralyzed, and the global stage appears more chaotic and explosive daily with monetary and economic meltdown inevitable. Intelligence sources recently reported Israel’s cancelled aerial all out attack which was aiming to destroy Iran’s entire air force during Iran’s recent military celebration. The attack was discovered by Russian surveillance satellites who warned the Iranians, who in turn cancelled their celebration, sending their air force into hiding in remote air fields. Iran’s lesson will come soon. Pray.
To the generation of saints who live and move and pray on earth during such times, Psalm 46 says, ”Be still, and know that I am God.” Other translations chose the terminology saying “cease striving…” or “be quiet, and know that I am God.” The original Hebrew text, however, says “HARPOO OOD’OOH...” Harpoo, in Hebrew, is a command to let go, release, loosen one’s grip and relax our hold over whatever it is we are holding on to. In other words, to the generation of saints that is entering the world’s final hours of intense judgments and harvest, the Spirit says, RELAX, loosen your grip and stop trying to control the situation. You can’t!
In turn, and as a consequence of learning to abide in the humble and confident discipline of HARPOO, a life that rests and trusts in God for the outcome of our personal, corporate and global circumstance rather than anxiously laboring to “fix” them, the saints are given entrance into the grace of OOD’OOH, “and you will know” in the Hebrew language. The root word of this “to know” is the same as the one used in Genesis 4:1when Adam “KNEW” his wife intimately, producing a new life on earth.
“Letting go” and “loosening our grip” on life’s circumstances in exchange for a life of trust and rest always results in the blessing of KNOWING God in a whole new, deeper and intimate way that will produce new life in us. In fact, not until we learn to abide in this grace of HARPOO, will we truly enter into the ever expanding and blessed experience of OOD’OOH, knowing ”… that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge.”
We pray this truth to set you free from the trappings of anxiety and fear, and this grace to empower and guide you into increasing victory in the coming days. You’ll need it!
As a practical expression of your faith, while joining the Lord as you watch and pray with Him over Israel, please consider supporting Messianic Believers in Israel through our ISRAEL FUND. Your supports helps those persecuted for the Faith, people of excellence, and those with hearts to do great things with God as He establishes His testimony in Israel during these turbulent times.
Thank you for standing with us in this ministry. ONE NEW MAN CALL is supported by friends of the Ephesians 2:14-15 vision, calling Jew and Gentile to dwell as one in God’s Olive Tree. To learn more, to support this work, or to provide direct financial support to Messianic Believers in Israel, contact us at the address below. Thank you.
In His grace,
(C) 2009 One New Man Call
One New Man Call
P O Box 164
Hayfield, MN 55940 USA
Forward, Reprint & Use Agreement: You are welcome to forward, reprint and use these messages, provided that you cite original source and contact information.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
African Brother's Perspective-True Christians
The True Faith of the Persecuted Church
By Arthur Owiti July 9, 2009 Why do we hear of burnt down churches, tortured pastors in parts of Asia and Africa, but not in the Westernized world? Why is it we hear of Christians in China being arrested yet there are “State Churches”? And the killing of Indian Christians yet we hear of Prosperity Evangelists holding crusades there? These terrifying events are a testimony of true faith in Jesus Christ, its price and effect.
The early church was no stranger to death and persecution. A read of the New Testament Epistles and secular history show that suffering for Christ and tribulation with death were the main themes of the life of the Church. It thrived when believers were slain. To their murderers, what was their 'crime' or death warrant? A living faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Faced with many accusers like the Roman state, unbelieving Jews and Gentiles, the church, both Jew and Gentile, were united in faith in Jesus Christ. In the end as they were exhorted to care for one another they loved not their lives unto death. It is because of their death that Christianity is still mentioned today in the world, yet naturally people kill 'criminals ' to try and reduce the crime rate; not so for biblical Christianity that grows in adverse times.
This is still the price of faith in Jesus Christ -death and persecution. To be a Christian is like enlisting to the death row list or prisoner roll when persecution arises. Like Jesus did when he bore his cross, we shall face rejection and hatred from this world because we choose to take up our crosses and follow him. The mantra of this world is, "to be in this world, you have to be of the world or face elimination". True Christians in the world; know that their faith ultimately leads to elimination. This because we are of Christ and not of this world though we are in it. Our hope is not in this world but with Christ the hope of all glory. This is the difference that marks true faith in Jesus. Sadly, Westernized Christianity for a long time has ignored this difference and rejected the price of faith. All this is because of the love of the world, the desire of peace, success and safety in the present dying world, not in Jesus Christ. The result of this love of the world has been evidenced by false doctrines, faith without works, denominations and sin's dominance which all make up Westernized Christianity. No wonder churches have gone empty in the West and sin, greed, fornication, power tussles, schisms, scandals and crimes have rocked Christendom worldwide!! The true foundation, Jesus Christ and his sayings were rejected; the price of faith was ignored .Hence no living waters can flow to the thirsty soul-- no savor of life.
Hence no threat to the world because the Christian looks like the world thus, no need to eliminate or reject, only tolerate-- no savor of death. Not so for today's persecuted church of whom we only hear about--faith, death, persecution, fervent devotion and fellowship. We don't hear about worldly success, Christian CEOs and Celebrities. Nor do we hear of scandals and sin's dominance because-- Christ is all they have got for survival. He is their life. He is their anchor in the midst of the storms of trials and tribulations. They are a savor of life unto those who fellowship with them and want life in Jesus; ministering to one another in truth and deeds. They are a savor of death to those who hate the name of Jesus thus have to face death and persecution for his sake. The truth for Westernized Christianity is that we have to suffer those same storms for and with Christ, to be glorified with him. No suffering, no glory, No carrying your own cross, no glory. The new wave of antichrist attacks in form of false doctrines and false prophets in the church and hatred for biblical Christianity and anti-Semitism in the world is a clear sign that the accusers are rising to eliminate those who call on the name of Jesus.
We should however endure like those who are being persecuted today worldwide .Their attitude through out their ordeals is that suffering for Christ purifies one’s faith just like fire purifies gold. The dim gold of the Westernized church has to be purified by fiery trials if she wants Jesus as Lord, Savior and King. As we pray for one another especially those who are suffering for Christ's name let us also know that we have the same calling --to suffer with him, to be glorified with him, if we endure to the end. In Christ Jesus, Arthur Owiti
Yesu Mulungi
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By Arthur Owiti July 9, 2009 Why do we hear of burnt down churches, tortured pastors in parts of Asia and Africa, but not in the Westernized world? Why is it we hear of Christians in China being arrested yet there are “State Churches”? And the killing of Indian Christians yet we hear of Prosperity Evangelists holding crusades there? These terrifying events are a testimony of true faith in Jesus Christ, its price and effect.
The early church was no stranger to death and persecution. A read of the New Testament Epistles and secular history show that suffering for Christ and tribulation with death were the main themes of the life of the Church. It thrived when believers were slain. To their murderers, what was their 'crime' or death warrant? A living faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Faced with many accusers like the Roman state, unbelieving Jews and Gentiles, the church, both Jew and Gentile, were united in faith in Jesus Christ. In the end as they were exhorted to care for one another they loved not their lives unto death. It is because of their death that Christianity is still mentioned today in the world, yet naturally people kill 'criminals ' to try and reduce the crime rate; not so for biblical Christianity that grows in adverse times.
This is still the price of faith in Jesus Christ -death and persecution. To be a Christian is like enlisting to the death row list or prisoner roll when persecution arises. Like Jesus did when he bore his cross, we shall face rejection and hatred from this world because we choose to take up our crosses and follow him. The mantra of this world is, "to be in this world, you have to be of the world or face elimination". True Christians in the world; know that their faith ultimately leads to elimination. This because we are of Christ and not of this world though we are in it. Our hope is not in this world but with Christ the hope of all glory. This is the difference that marks true faith in Jesus. Sadly, Westernized Christianity for a long time has ignored this difference and rejected the price of faith. All this is because of the love of the world, the desire of peace, success and safety in the present dying world, not in Jesus Christ. The result of this love of the world has been evidenced by false doctrines, faith without works, denominations and sin's dominance which all make up Westernized Christianity. No wonder churches have gone empty in the West and sin, greed, fornication, power tussles, schisms, scandals and crimes have rocked Christendom worldwide!! The true foundation, Jesus Christ and his sayings were rejected; the price of faith was ignored .Hence no living waters can flow to the thirsty soul-- no savor of life.
Hence no threat to the world because the Christian looks like the world thus, no need to eliminate or reject, only tolerate-- no savor of death. Not so for today's persecuted church of whom we only hear about--faith, death, persecution, fervent devotion and fellowship. We don't hear about worldly success, Christian CEOs and Celebrities. Nor do we hear of scandals and sin's dominance because-- Christ is all they have got for survival. He is their life. He is their anchor in the midst of the storms of trials and tribulations. They are a savor of life unto those who fellowship with them and want life in Jesus; ministering to one another in truth and deeds. They are a savor of death to those who hate the name of Jesus thus have to face death and persecution for his sake. The truth for Westernized Christianity is that we have to suffer those same storms for and with Christ, to be glorified with him. No suffering, no glory, No carrying your own cross, no glory. The new wave of antichrist attacks in form of false doctrines and false prophets in the church and hatred for biblical Christianity and anti-Semitism in the world is a clear sign that the accusers are rising to eliminate those who call on the name of Jesus.
We should however endure like those who are being persecuted today worldwide .Their attitude through out their ordeals is that suffering for Christ purifies one’s faith just like fire purifies gold. The dim gold of the Westernized church has to be purified by fiery trials if she wants Jesus as Lord, Savior and King. As we pray for one another especially those who are suffering for Christ's name let us also know that we have the same calling --to suffer with him, to be glorified with him, if we endure to the end. In Christ Jesus, Arthur Owiti
Yesu Mulungi
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Saturday, July 11, 2009
Of Whom The Earth Is Not Worthy
Seven Christians beheaded in Somalia by Islamic hardliners
Somalia's hardline Islamist rebels beheaded seven people on Friday for being "Christians" and "spies" in the latest imposition of strict sharia, Islamic law, by the Al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab group, witnesses said.Al Shabaab, which controls large tracts of south Somalia and parts of the capital Mogadishu, has carried out such executions before, but the beheadings on Friday were believed to be the largest number of killings at one time, Somalis say.
"Al Shabaab told us that they were beheaded for reasons they described as being Christian followers and spies," said one relative, who gave his name only as Aden, after the killings in the south-central town of Baidoa.The group, which western security services say is a proxy for Al Qaeda in Somalia, beheaded three people in the same region last month.Al Shabaab, which means "Youth" in Arabic, has vowed to rule the majority Muslim nation by a hardline interpretation of Islamic law.
The group has dug up Sufi graves, forced women to wear veils, closed down movie halls and cut off limbs for theft. "My husband was missing up to 20 days. Al Shabaab confirmed to us that he and six others were beheaded. We are waiting for his dead body," said Maryan, the wife of one of the victims.Somalia's government has been unable to beat back al Shabaab militants who are making guerrilla-style attacks on Somali troops and an African Union (AU) force there.
Remember our Brother's and Sister's in Muslim nations that are paying with their lives for following Jesus Christ. Support organizations such as Voice of The Martyr's that offer aid, encouragement and assistance to the families of these dear ones.
Somalia's hardline Islamist rebels beheaded seven people on Friday for being "Christians" and "spies" in the latest imposition of strict sharia, Islamic law, by the Al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab group, witnesses said.Al Shabaab, which controls large tracts of south Somalia and parts of the capital Mogadishu, has carried out such executions before, but the beheadings on Friday were believed to be the largest number of killings at one time, Somalis say.
"Al Shabaab told us that they were beheaded for reasons they described as being Christian followers and spies," said one relative, who gave his name only as Aden, after the killings in the south-central town of Baidoa.The group, which western security services say is a proxy for Al Qaeda in Somalia, beheaded three people in the same region last month.Al Shabaab, which means "Youth" in Arabic, has vowed to rule the majority Muslim nation by a hardline interpretation of Islamic law.
The group has dug up Sufi graves, forced women to wear veils, closed down movie halls and cut off limbs for theft. "My husband was missing up to 20 days. Al Shabaab confirmed to us that he and six others were beheaded. We are waiting for his dead body," said Maryan, the wife of one of the victims.Somalia's government has been unable to beat back al Shabaab militants who are making guerrilla-style attacks on Somali troops and an African Union (AU) force there.
Remember our Brother's and Sister's in Muslim nations that are paying with their lives for following Jesus Christ. Support organizations such as Voice of The Martyr's that offer aid, encouragement and assistance to the families of these dear ones.
In Search Of A Country
People of faith, cut from the same cloth as Abraham, seek after a country not made with human hands. Their hope is not in their bank account, savings, health or position; but in God.
We also seek this country; it is near, but seems afar off at times. If Abraham traveled throughout the breadth and depth of the Promised Land, living in temporary tents and tabernacles, we also, who are living in our temporary tabernacle, our physical body, must stay focused and consumed with our final destination.
The worldly trust in the power of horses and chariots, we trust in our God.
If Abraham and the others mentioned in Hebrews 11 had been mindful of the place of which they left, they could have returned to what was familiar to them. There is great comfort to the physical body in familiar surroundings. Trusting, believing and committing to a life of faith was not easy for these. Why should it be easy for us? Scripture said these mentioned in the Bible got to a place in their lives where they paid NO MIND- it was living in the past- after settling in their heart, once and for all, that they would believe God and what He said.
They passed through this life, as we are doing, dwelling in temporary tabernacles in search of a city not made with hands. They searched and finally arrived to a city whose foundations were made by the hands of God! This is our destination; do not lose heart or perspective during the journey. There is a heavenly country.
To people of this mindset, God is not ashamed to be called their God; His possession. We are His.
Most trust in chariots and horses, their position in this earthly society; but God's children trust in the Name of the LORD our God. Those of the world will eventually be brought very low, as is happening now, and fallen-but the children of God will arise and stand upright. We cry out- "Save LORD"! let our King hear our cry when we call-and He does.
Hang on! Our King is coming! The race is not to the swift. Do not get discouraged or believe the lies the enemy whispers in our ear. Like the children's tale of the hare and the tortoise, those who stay steady and secure do not burn out in a short spurt like a falling star; but remain faithful during the race.
We depend and live by the name of the LORD; His name represents His character, His authority, who He is. He said He will not lose one! Be confident in His promises.
James 5:7,8 says ~
" Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the LORD.
Behold, the Husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit (that's us) of the earth;
and He hath long patience for it,"
" until He receive the early and the latter rain,
Be ye also patient;
establish your hearts; (like Abraham, Enoch, King David, Daniel, etc.)
for the coming of the LORD draweth nigh."
We also seek this country; it is near, but seems afar off at times. If Abraham traveled throughout the breadth and depth of the Promised Land, living in temporary tents and tabernacles, we also, who are living in our temporary tabernacle, our physical body, must stay focused and consumed with our final destination.
The worldly trust in the power of horses and chariots, we trust in our God.
If Abraham and the others mentioned in Hebrews 11 had been mindful of the place of which they left, they could have returned to what was familiar to them. There is great comfort to the physical body in familiar surroundings. Trusting, believing and committing to a life of faith was not easy for these. Why should it be easy for us? Scripture said these mentioned in the Bible got to a place in their lives where they paid NO MIND- it was living in the past- after settling in their heart, once and for all, that they would believe God and what He said.
They passed through this life, as we are doing, dwelling in temporary tabernacles in search of a city not made with hands. They searched and finally arrived to a city whose foundations were made by the hands of God! This is our destination; do not lose heart or perspective during the journey. There is a heavenly country.
To people of this mindset, God is not ashamed to be called their God; His possession. We are His.
Most trust in chariots and horses, their position in this earthly society; but God's children trust in the Name of the LORD our God. Those of the world will eventually be brought very low, as is happening now, and fallen-but the children of God will arise and stand upright. We cry out- "Save LORD"! let our King hear our cry when we call-and He does.
Hang on! Our King is coming! The race is not to the swift. Do not get discouraged or believe the lies the enemy whispers in our ear. Like the children's tale of the hare and the tortoise, those who stay steady and secure do not burn out in a short spurt like a falling star; but remain faithful during the race.
We depend and live by the name of the LORD; His name represents His character, His authority, who He is. He said He will not lose one! Be confident in His promises.
James 5:7,8 says ~
" Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the LORD.
Behold, the Husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit (that's us) of the earth;
and He hath long patience for it,"
" until He receive the early and the latter rain,
Be ye also patient;
establish your hearts; (like Abraham, Enoch, King David, Daniel, etc.)
for the coming of the LORD draweth nigh."
Friday, July 10, 2009
Sure Mercies
Acts 13:32 speaks of God giving the sure mercies of David. Often times, English words give a vague interpretation of the original meaning. The mercies of David spoken here represent a trustworthiness and the fulfilment of promises of these mercies, given from the heart of God.
A beautiful verse, as only Isaiah could pen, is given in Chapter 5:3~
" Incline your ear, and come unto Me:
hear, and your soul shall live;
and I will make an everlasting covenant with you,
even the sure mercies of David."
David, the man who like all of us, had his weaknesses and failures. What distinguished him, and should also be our hallmark, is to possess a true heart for God. As we incline our ears, tune out the noise of the world and set our mind on Him and come to Him and hear, our soul also shall live. God is no respecter of persons, true, but their is a price to pay; that price is quality time, a fine ear to hear what the Spirit is saying. This assures the everlasting covenant of mercy, as it did for David.
The sure mercies of David in Isaiah is interpreted as such:
* God promises to build up and support us ( if we were not broken, there would be no need to be built up at times, so take heart!)
* The mercies spoken of here are as a parent or nurse gives to a patient or child
* To render firm and faithful and trust and believe
* To be permanent and quiet!
* A mercy of long continuance, steadfast and sure; to nurse and fill with trust.
These promises are given to His children from His heart. If one of these promises fail or falter, the universe would spin into non-existence and all would cease to be. He is faithful and true. The admonishment from Him is to incline our ear and hear.
He would not offer these things to David, or to us, if we were not in great need. Why would He promise to uphold something that had not fallen? Why promise to raise up those that are, at times, bowed down with the weight of the world, worries and trials?
Psalm 145:14-20 offers some of the greatest promises of God to His children. As we travel through this life and planet full of rebellion, sin, and despair, we must hold these dear:
" The LORD upholdeth all that fall,
and raiseth up all those that be bowed down.
The eyes of all wait upon Thee:
and Thou givest them their meat in due season."
" Thou openest Thine hand,
and satisfiest the desire of every living thing.
The LORD is Righteous in all His ways,
and Holy in all His works."
" The LORD is near unto all them that call upon Him,
to all that call upon Him in truth.
He will fulfil the desire of them that fear Him:
He also will hear their cry,
and will save them."
" The LORD preserveth all them that love Him:
but all the wicked will He destroy."
Our daily mission is to incline our ear to hear Him, cry out to Him with both thanksgiving, praise and requests; then to have patience to await the season's when He opens His hands toward us in answer to our requests. Don't get discouraged if the season is a ways off; it will surely come; just as the sun rises and sets. He will fulfil the desire of our heart; the closer I grow to Him in intimacy, I am amazed at how my former requests and desires have changed to be more of a reflection of Him. I believe this is the reason some of my requests are not answered speedily; I need to change before the answer comes.
Oh the mercies, love and patience of our Father in Heaven! One day soon the entire earth will praise His Holy Name!
A beautiful verse, as only Isaiah could pen, is given in Chapter 5:3~
" Incline your ear, and come unto Me:
hear, and your soul shall live;
and I will make an everlasting covenant with you,
even the sure mercies of David."
David, the man who like all of us, had his weaknesses and failures. What distinguished him, and should also be our hallmark, is to possess a true heart for God. As we incline our ears, tune out the noise of the world and set our mind on Him and come to Him and hear, our soul also shall live. God is no respecter of persons, true, but their is a price to pay; that price is quality time, a fine ear to hear what the Spirit is saying. This assures the everlasting covenant of mercy, as it did for David.
The sure mercies of David in Isaiah is interpreted as such:
* God promises to build up and support us ( if we were not broken, there would be no need to be built up at times, so take heart!)
* The mercies spoken of here are as a parent or nurse gives to a patient or child
* To render firm and faithful and trust and believe
* To be permanent and quiet!
* A mercy of long continuance, steadfast and sure; to nurse and fill with trust.
These promises are given to His children from His heart. If one of these promises fail or falter, the universe would spin into non-existence and all would cease to be. He is faithful and true. The admonishment from Him is to incline our ear and hear.
He would not offer these things to David, or to us, if we were not in great need. Why would He promise to uphold something that had not fallen? Why promise to raise up those that are, at times, bowed down with the weight of the world, worries and trials?
Psalm 145:14-20 offers some of the greatest promises of God to His children. As we travel through this life and planet full of rebellion, sin, and despair, we must hold these dear:
" The LORD upholdeth all that fall,
and raiseth up all those that be bowed down.
The eyes of all wait upon Thee:
and Thou givest them their meat in due season."
" Thou openest Thine hand,
and satisfiest the desire of every living thing.
The LORD is Righteous in all His ways,
and Holy in all His works."
" The LORD is near unto all them that call upon Him,
to all that call upon Him in truth.
He will fulfil the desire of them that fear Him:
He also will hear their cry,
and will save them."
" The LORD preserveth all them that love Him:
but all the wicked will He destroy."
Our daily mission is to incline our ear to hear Him, cry out to Him with both thanksgiving, praise and requests; then to have patience to await the season's when He opens His hands toward us in answer to our requests. Don't get discouraged if the season is a ways off; it will surely come; just as the sun rises and sets. He will fulfil the desire of our heart; the closer I grow to Him in intimacy, I am amazed at how my former requests and desires have changed to be more of a reflection of Him. I believe this is the reason some of my requests are not answered speedily; I need to change before the answer comes.
Oh the mercies, love and patience of our Father in Heaven! One day soon the entire earth will praise His Holy Name!
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Numbers 21:14 mentions that " it is said in the Book of the Wars of the LORD..." A book exists that remember the great battles God fought on behalf of His people.
I've read of the Book of Life, the Book of Remembrance, the Book bound by seven seals in Heaven, but nothing of this Book of the Wars. I believe you and I are in this book. Recorded for all of eternity are the battles, wins and losses in our life here on earth. The shortcomings of the Apostle Paul, even in the middle of establishing the first worldwide ministry would be recorded in this book. Paul spoke openly of his battles while here on earth; at times, the things he desired to do, he did not do; the things he did not want to do he did. Oh, the daily battles of this human body. The flesh must die daily.
King David would be recorded regarding his successful battles against the giants, the bear, the lion, King Saul, the Philistines and such. His failures and successes are written for all of eternity. The struggles of the Children of Israel in their wilderness experiences; the grumbling, the water from the rock, the manna from heaven and their desire to return to Egypt are recorded. Also, the great victories brought to Israel by the wars of the LORD, specific battles recorded in the Old Testament, will be there for all to read.
Our daily battles and successes would also be recorded. The deliverance of God in circumstances we thought impossible, the missed opportunities when we were to busy, full of doubt and fear, or lacking in spiritual discernment would be recorded. Our belief and disbelief on occasion will be there for us to remember.
First and foremost in this Book of Wars would be God's all sustaining hand in all of the affairs of His children. The trials that were necessary for growth, the temptations resisted to build up our armour for the great day of battle that is upon us, the methods we do not often understand that God sends our way to teach our hands to war. This will increase as the days grow darker. In great darkness, light is more evident!
When all is said and done, a bow of iron and arrows of steel will be in our arsenal. We must continue to fight the good fight of faith. It is our faith, after all, that overcomes the world. This could very well be the most effective weapon in our arsenal!We are being fitted to successfully wear the full armor of God. It is His armor. Each piece is special made for each and every one of His children in the battle's we face as individuals, and as a Body of Believers.
Fear not; for He is with us. If He is for us, who can be against us?
King David was a man after God's heart; a man who sought out the heart of God-how He operated, what He desired, what brought God pleasure and was made Him angry.
David's sin with Bathsheba brought dire consequences. Psalm 51, the great Psalm of Repentance for that affair revealed David's realization of his foolishness and crimes against what he had to realize was against everything that God stood for; yet he sinned anyway. Sin and the desire of the flesh are ever before God's children. We will reap what we sow. Yes, we are forgiven, but the harvest will arrive, even though forgiven.
I like what one man with a heart for God said - although the harvest will surely arrive, as we sow good seed after repentance, the good seed can overtake the bad. This is an act of mercy on God's part of the equation.
When David was caught red handed by the Prophet Nathan, he immediately repented of his sin. Psalm 51 shows that it was not a shallow act of repentance; it was from the heart of David and he could not believe that he had done such a thing. A man who had his history with God; the slaying of the bear and lion, being anointed as a small child to be king over all of Israel, the great slayer of the giant, the one who gathered his rag tag army that fled continually from King Saul, the king who realized that God was behind it all, fell into confusion and disrepute as he fell under the condemnation of Nathan the Prophet.
God accepted David's prayer and contrition; he was forgiven. BUT, Nathan told David on that great day of discovery of sin that one would rise up out of his own house to bring evil upon his kingdom and his own house would be exposed before all of Israel. David's foolishness brought shame to God and he tried to hide it; God said that His reaction to David's deed would be exposed for all to see; he did it secretly, God responds in broad daylight for all to see.
Evil arose in the form of his own son Absolom starting a rebellion against his father. King David realized this as a fulfillment of Nathan's words.
Most important of all; what was David's response? Did he get bitter? Did he think that his repentance was for nought? Did he get angry with God? Psalm 3 answers this most important question ~
" LORD, how are they increased that trouble me!
Many are they that rise up against me.
Many there be which say of my soul, There is no hope for him in God. Selah.
Even when a bitter harvest surely comes to fruition as a result of our foolishness of the past, we MUST cry out to the LORD of all and recognize that He is a God of forgiveness, He is still the lifter up of our heads, He is still and will always be our shield and help in the day of trouble.
The good in the harvest will overtake the bad seed. Both seed grow together. He will never leave or forsake us; we must be the same way on our end of the equation. We must never become bitter, feel forsaken, our doubt the faithfulness of our LORD.
As Father Abraham stated so appropriately and assuredly, " Shall not the God of the whole earth do right? "
As we cry unto the LORD with our voice, He hears us out of His holy hill. As we lay down and weep over our foolishness the LORD of all sustains us. As He fortifies us in the midst of our trouble, and this is a process, we will not be afraid of ten thousands of people that set themselves against us round about. We must continue to cry out, "Arise, O LORD, save me, O my God! " He will smite our enemies upon the cheek bone and break the teeth of the ungodly.
Salvation belongs unto God; His blessings are upon His people! No matter the circumstance, get the hymnal and the book of Psalms and sing and praise our mighty King!
Our enemy, that ancient serpent of old that started this whole mess of rebellion and confusion is upset when we praise our God when things are going well; but, he gets furious when we continue to offer up the sacrifices of praise when things are going bad!
Sing aloud in the midst of the fires! From the ends of the earth praise will go up before the throne of God.
David's sin with Bathsheba brought dire consequences. Psalm 51, the great Psalm of Repentance for that affair revealed David's realization of his foolishness and crimes against what he had to realize was against everything that God stood for; yet he sinned anyway. Sin and the desire of the flesh are ever before God's children. We will reap what we sow. Yes, we are forgiven, but the harvest will arrive, even though forgiven.
I like what one man with a heart for God said - although the harvest will surely arrive, as we sow good seed after repentance, the good seed can overtake the bad. This is an act of mercy on God's part of the equation.
When David was caught red handed by the Prophet Nathan, he immediately repented of his sin. Psalm 51 shows that it was not a shallow act of repentance; it was from the heart of David and he could not believe that he had done such a thing. A man who had his history with God; the slaying of the bear and lion, being anointed as a small child to be king over all of Israel, the great slayer of the giant, the one who gathered his rag tag army that fled continually from King Saul, the king who realized that God was behind it all, fell into confusion and disrepute as he fell under the condemnation of Nathan the Prophet.
God accepted David's prayer and contrition; he was forgiven. BUT, Nathan told David on that great day of discovery of sin that one would rise up out of his own house to bring evil upon his kingdom and his own house would be exposed before all of Israel. David's foolishness brought shame to God and he tried to hide it; God said that His reaction to David's deed would be exposed for all to see; he did it secretly, God responds in broad daylight for all to see.
Evil arose in the form of his own son Absolom starting a rebellion against his father. King David realized this as a fulfillment of Nathan's words.
Most important of all; what was David's response? Did he get bitter? Did he think that his repentance was for nought? Did he get angry with God? Psalm 3 answers this most important question ~
" LORD, how are they increased that trouble me!
Many are they that rise up against me.
Many there be which say of my soul, There is no hope for him in God. Selah.
Even when a bitter harvest surely comes to fruition as a result of our foolishness of the past, we MUST cry out to the LORD of all and recognize that He is a God of forgiveness, He is still the lifter up of our heads, He is still and will always be our shield and help in the day of trouble.
The good in the harvest will overtake the bad seed. Both seed grow together. He will never leave or forsake us; we must be the same way on our end of the equation. We must never become bitter, feel forsaken, our doubt the faithfulness of our LORD.
As Father Abraham stated so appropriately and assuredly, " Shall not the God of the whole earth do right? "
As we cry unto the LORD with our voice, He hears us out of His holy hill. As we lay down and weep over our foolishness the LORD of all sustains us. As He fortifies us in the midst of our trouble, and this is a process, we will not be afraid of ten thousands of people that set themselves against us round about. We must continue to cry out, "Arise, O LORD, save me, O my God! " He will smite our enemies upon the cheek bone and break the teeth of the ungodly.
Salvation belongs unto God; His blessings are upon His people! No matter the circumstance, get the hymnal and the book of Psalms and sing and praise our mighty King!
Our enemy, that ancient serpent of old that started this whole mess of rebellion and confusion is upset when we praise our God when things are going well; but, he gets furious when we continue to offer up the sacrifices of praise when things are going bad!
Sing aloud in the midst of the fires! From the ends of the earth praise will go up before the throne of God.
Friday, July 3, 2009
To Close To Fail
In a recent sermon, David Wilkerson titled the message "GOD KNOWS..."
I recently reread the thoughts of Job in his hour of great trial and uncertainty. He had no idea what was going on. He lost everything; his family, his wealth and health.
Job had three men who offered advice regarding his situation. These must have been men close to Job because they were the only ones who would come near a man in such distress. People gazed at Job in disbelief. His physical condition brought amazement, horror and loneliness. And God was watching the whole time.
Job was like a chess piece on a board with Satan and the LORD awaiting the outcome of the decisions Job would make. He made profound statements in his hour of testing and trial. I have felt some of these emotions lately in my recent season of trial and testing; when prayers seem to hit the roof and bounce back into my lap. When it seems that God does not answer my prayers or requests; or even that the Almighty is angry with me for mistakes I have made in the past.
We are entering a season of great trial. God sits as a refiner of gold and silver and I feel in my spirit that anything that is not acceptable to Him, He will burn down to ash. In this process, as intense and confusing as it is, we must not lose our faith or lose hope in His love for us. The trials of Job are real. They were recorded for our encouragement and learning, so we will know how to properly respond.
I can identify with these particular words of Job: ( Oh that my grief were thoroughly weighed, and my calamity laid in the balances together; it would be heavier than the sand of the sea. My words are swallowed up, they sink low. The arrows of the Almighty are within me, the poison whereof drinketh up my spirit; the terrors of God do set themselves in array against me.
Oh that I might have my request; and that God would grant me the thing that I long for! Would that it would please God to destroy me; that He would let lose His hand and cut me off! Then should I yet have comfort; yea, I would harden my self in sorrow; let Him not spare for I have not concealed the word of the Holy One.
What is my strength, that I should hope? What is my end, that I should prolong my life? Is my strength like the strength of stones? Is my flesh as brass? My brethren have dealt deceitfully as a brook, and as the stream of brooks they pass away. Those who see my casting down are afraid; they were ashamed.
Teach me, and I will hold my tongue; and cause me to understand wherein I have erred. The speeches of one that is desperate are as the wind. Is there not an appointed time for man on the earth? Are not his days like the days of a slave? As a servant earnestly desires the shadow from the heat, and as a slave looks for a reward for his work, so am I made to possess months of vanity, and wearisome nights are appointed to me.
When I lie down, I say, when shall I arise and the night be gone? I am full of tossings to and fro until the dawning of the day. My flesh is clothed with worms and clods of dust; my skin is broken and become loathsome. My days are swifter than a weavers shuttle and are spent without hope.
O, remember that my life is wind; mine eye shall no more see good. the eye of him that hath seen me shall see me no more; thine eyes are upon me, and I am not. As the cloud is consumed and vanisheth away; so he that goeth down to the grave shall come up no more. He shall return no more to his house, neither shall his place know him any more.
Therefore, I will not refrain my mouth; I will speak in the anguish of my spirit; I will complain in the bitterness of my soul. What is man, that Thou shouldest magnify him? and that Thou shouldest set Thine heart upon him? And that Thou shouldest visit him every morning, and try him every moment?
I can identify with recent experiences some of what Job is saying. My battles are not your battles; although they are for the same purpose. To draw us closer to, not farther away from Him. It is not easy and will grow more difficult as the age draws to a close. Now is not the time to draw back from God. We are in the battle of the ages; the culmination of all things. The fires are being stoked as I write and the Refiner is at work preparing His children for what is around the corner.
No matter what happens in the near future, we must not lose heart.
Deep down in his heart of hearts, Job ended his ordeals by proclaiming loudly and unequivocally that " though He slay me I will trust Him..." and "yet I know that in my flesh I shall see God..."
Father Abraham said " shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?"
He is with us always; no matter the battle. It could be financial, besetting sin such as lust or anger or unbelief, it may be marital or loneliness; no matter the issue, as the heat increases we must draw closer to Him, and He will draw closer to us. We have a hiding place, no matter our circumstance. He will stick closer than a brother til the very end.
Look up! Our redemption is nearer than we could imagine!
I recently reread the thoughts of Job in his hour of great trial and uncertainty. He had no idea what was going on. He lost everything; his family, his wealth and health.
Job had three men who offered advice regarding his situation. These must have been men close to Job because they were the only ones who would come near a man in such distress. People gazed at Job in disbelief. His physical condition brought amazement, horror and loneliness. And God was watching the whole time.
Job was like a chess piece on a board with Satan and the LORD awaiting the outcome of the decisions Job would make. He made profound statements in his hour of testing and trial. I have felt some of these emotions lately in my recent season of trial and testing; when prayers seem to hit the roof and bounce back into my lap. When it seems that God does not answer my prayers or requests; or even that the Almighty is angry with me for mistakes I have made in the past.
We are entering a season of great trial. God sits as a refiner of gold and silver and I feel in my spirit that anything that is not acceptable to Him, He will burn down to ash. In this process, as intense and confusing as it is, we must not lose our faith or lose hope in His love for us. The trials of Job are real. They were recorded for our encouragement and learning, so we will know how to properly respond.
I can identify with these particular words of Job: ( Oh that my grief were thoroughly weighed, and my calamity laid in the balances together; it would be heavier than the sand of the sea. My words are swallowed up, they sink low. The arrows of the Almighty are within me, the poison whereof drinketh up my spirit; the terrors of God do set themselves in array against me.
Oh that I might have my request; and that God would grant me the thing that I long for! Would that it would please God to destroy me; that He would let lose His hand and cut me off! Then should I yet have comfort; yea, I would harden my self in sorrow; let Him not spare for I have not concealed the word of the Holy One.
What is my strength, that I should hope? What is my end, that I should prolong my life? Is my strength like the strength of stones? Is my flesh as brass? My brethren have dealt deceitfully as a brook, and as the stream of brooks they pass away. Those who see my casting down are afraid; they were ashamed.
Teach me, and I will hold my tongue; and cause me to understand wherein I have erred. The speeches of one that is desperate are as the wind. Is there not an appointed time for man on the earth? Are not his days like the days of a slave? As a servant earnestly desires the shadow from the heat, and as a slave looks for a reward for his work, so am I made to possess months of vanity, and wearisome nights are appointed to me.
When I lie down, I say, when shall I arise and the night be gone? I am full of tossings to and fro until the dawning of the day. My flesh is clothed with worms and clods of dust; my skin is broken and become loathsome. My days are swifter than a weavers shuttle and are spent without hope.
O, remember that my life is wind; mine eye shall no more see good. the eye of him that hath seen me shall see me no more; thine eyes are upon me, and I am not. As the cloud is consumed and vanisheth away; so he that goeth down to the grave shall come up no more. He shall return no more to his house, neither shall his place know him any more.
Therefore, I will not refrain my mouth; I will speak in the anguish of my spirit; I will complain in the bitterness of my soul. What is man, that Thou shouldest magnify him? and that Thou shouldest set Thine heart upon him? And that Thou shouldest visit him every morning, and try him every moment?
I can identify with recent experiences some of what Job is saying. My battles are not your battles; although they are for the same purpose. To draw us closer to, not farther away from Him. It is not easy and will grow more difficult as the age draws to a close. Now is not the time to draw back from God. We are in the battle of the ages; the culmination of all things. The fires are being stoked as I write and the Refiner is at work preparing His children for what is around the corner.
No matter what happens in the near future, we must not lose heart.
Deep down in his heart of hearts, Job ended his ordeals by proclaiming loudly and unequivocally that " though He slay me I will trust Him..." and "yet I know that in my flesh I shall see God..."
Father Abraham said " shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?"
He is with us always; no matter the battle. It could be financial, besetting sin such as lust or anger or unbelief, it may be marital or loneliness; no matter the issue, as the heat increases we must draw closer to Him, and He will draw closer to us. We have a hiding place, no matter our circumstance. He will stick closer than a brother til the very end.
Look up! Our redemption is nearer than we could imagine!
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