Friday, November 7, 2008


It is of little consequence, from an eternal perspective, what happens to the nations, and our nation in the coming months and years. God is interested in the souls of men. He will always do, as He has always done; control events here on the planet He has created. Even when things seem to go the opposite of what we think should be, He still sits above the circle of the earth. He is never surprised with events; He does not react with alarm, He sovereignly controls all. When the enemy rages and boasts loudly that things will be his way, the Children of God can take great comfort and courage of just who our Father really is!

He is with us always; even to the end of the world. Like father Abraham, we look for a city whose Builder and Maker is God. We lay up treasure in the heavens where moth and rust cannot destroy. There are no moths in Heaven!

It seems we are reliving the days of MICAH (3:11,12) where he says "your leaders judge for reward, the priests teach for a salary, the prophets prophecy for money. They lean on the LORD and say, "is not the LORD among us?" "No evil can happen to us?" As a people, a nation, we may very well be heading for a season as Israel in the days of Micah where we will be plowed like a field. And Jerusalem (what has portrayed itself as representing God) (prosperity and wealth and the self centered gospel) shall become heaps and the mountains (our strength) will be removed to the high places of the forests (desolate places, far removed).

BUT! The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous (those doing what is right), His ears are open to their cries. The face of the LORD is against those who do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth. (Psalm 34:15-22)

The righteous cry, and the LORD hears! He delivers them out of all of their troubles. The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart and He saves those with a contrite spirit. Arrogance, pride, and self sufficiency do not register in the eternal; they are destroyed and replaced by the righteous and contrite of spirit.

Yes, He has told us that many are the afflictions of the righteous, but He has promised to deliver us out of them all. The word righteous means to do what is right, lawful and just. He has promised to that He will "keep all of our bones" in other words our substance, our life, and we will not be broken. (Psalm 34:15-22)

In His time, after it is truly and fully revealed, evil will slay the wicked. They will fall into their own traps they have set against the righteous. Their end, no matter how proud and loud they are, is desolation. It has been foreordained of God.

He redeems the soul of His servants! None of those who trust in Him will be desolate.

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