Saturday, November 15, 2008


The weapons of our warfare are not carnal (fleshly), but are spiritual through God. Strongholds are pulled down, subdued and defeated in a spiritual sense. In this context, abortion is a stronghold that has captivated millions of people. Homosexuality is a stronghold that can only be subdued in the spiritual realm; where God dwells. Spiritual entities are influencing and hold these people captive.

God is Spirit. He should inhabit our spirit; Christ in us, the hope of glory. His desire is that we be one with Him. As the forces of poverty, perversion, violence and false religions grow in strength, the forces behind these issues is an entity; spiritual demonic forces that can only be defeated in the spirit realm. No amount of bashing, complaining, demeaning statements or social activism will defeat them. Only the Spirit of God can bring and end to captivity and succeed against powers of darkness.

Our battle is in the spirit world. We do not wrestle against flesh and blood (other people) we wrestle and are either successful or defeated by principalities, powers of darkness, and spiritual forces of wickedness. This is a tall order and the battle will only intensify for those who wish to be effective in God's desire that all people come to the knowledge of His truth. God has promised that greater is He than he that is in the world. Our success in battle is secured through Him.

Our neighbors, friends, and every human being on earth is influenced in one way or the other. Some have fallen more than others. We do not fight the person, but the spirit that is influencing their actions. The deeper one sinks into deprivaty the stronger the evil becomes. In God these forces should be confronted, not feared; confronted in the Spirit working through us.

If I am to be mighty in God, it is going to cost me something. The more I surrender to His Spirit, the more effective I will be. I commend those who vote, march, go to community meeting regarding having the Ten Commandments in a park or a school. This is an excellent witness in the physical. But the real battle and great opposition starts when the spirit world is activated by our prayers and supplications on behalf of the lost and dying who are under the bondage and influence of the enemy.

There have been times in my life, in great crisis, when I felt I was bombarding heaven with my cries and prayers. Hours were spent on my knees in prayer. I did not like to do this because for several days after this my eyes would burn, my throat was sore, and I felt as if I was drained both physically and spiritually. But my prayers were heard and answered.

The Prophets of old, I believe, prayed in this manner. They were absolutely broken hearted at the sin that was running rampant throughout the land. Why am I not doing this in intercession of others? Has the darkness and apathy reached secretly into my heart and prayer life that I have lost my effectiveness in the spiritual realm?

Our nation faces dire circumstances, some say worse than we have ever faced since being a nation. Here in the small town in which I reside there are probably two dozen topless bars with parking lots that are full and church parking lots are empty! There are not even any lights on in the churches.

I work late in the evenings on my job and as I drive through town to come home I see people wandering the streets as if they are in a stupor. The other evening I saw two small girls riding bicycles on the road and it was almost midnight. And the churches are empty.

There are no late night prayer meetings. There seems to be no intercession or urgency. Is there also a darkness that is falling on the church and Believers? Where are the Elijah's of God? Elijah prayed and it did not rain for three years; he prayed again and it rained. Daniel prayed so earnestly that God sent an angel to answer his questions. Ezekiel and Paul prayed until the heavens were opened to them. Who is going to do this in 2008? Is it too late?

The homosexual down the street is under bondage. The poor alcoholic up the road is also under bondage of spiritual forces. The wife beater in town is full of a spirit of violence and rage. The teenagers that attend the school where I work are under the bondage and captivated by drugs and sex. One can lock them up, throw away the key, read them the riot act and they are still in bondage!

The power of God can break every yoke. The power of God comes on those who spend time in intercession and prayer on behalf of those in captivity. Jesus said that He took captivity captive. I must reach the point to where I can, like Peter and James, say that I have no silver and I have no gold, but such as I have I will give unto you.
Peter was so full of the Holy Spirit that even his shadow passing over the sick healed them!

My eyes will burn, my throat will hurt, I may feel ill for a day or so, but who else is there in my household to fulfill this duty? If not me, who? If not now, when? May God give His quickening Spirit to us as we face these end of days. He promised that those who know their God will do great exploits. And Jesus said greater works than these will you do. These words are as true as the sun coming up in the morning; where is this happening? In Africa or something?

Why not in my neighborhood!

What not with me?

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