In the past I have been hindered in my prayer life by thoughts of the promises of God from His Word and whether they were applicable to me personally. Can I claim the fact that God has said He will appoint unto them that are in Zion beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness (Isaiah 61:3)?I believe this issue has been settled once and for all in my mind! Yes, the promises are also for me; here in the state of West Virginia, thousands of miles from physical Mt. Zion in the land of Israel! In my prayer time the Book of Psalms comes to the forefront. Passages, prayers, thoughts and promises are embedded in my spirit because of something I previously read in that wonderful book of instruction. Many of the ways of God are revealed in this wonderful Book of worship, singing and revelation of His desires and ways with mankind. What could motivate our Father more than hearing His own words, as recorded, in the Book of Psalms and other prayers recorded for our instruction? Nothing motivates earthly fathers more than hearing their small children repeat words they parent has spoken in the past. I remember my son sometimes being like a tape recorder while he was growing up, repeating things I had said. Is our Father any different? We are created in His image.A word that has been going through my mind for quite some time is "seed". The promises to the seed of Abraham - the seed of King David. I was not born in natural Israel; do these promises belong to me? The following passages cleared up this issue for me and I can now pray with great confidence that the promises are for me on a personal level, in everyday life issues.* Psalm 18~Great deliverance giveth He to His king, and showeth mercy to His anointed, to David and to his seed forevermore.* Jesus said ~ the good seed are the children of the Kingdom (Matthew 13:38)* Luke 1:54,55 says He spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed forever. He hath helped His servant Israel, in remembrance of His mercy. Acts 3:25 says that "in thy seed (Abraham) shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed."* John 7:43 says hath not the Scripture said, that Christ cometh out of the seed of David, and out of the town of Bethlehem, where David was? Galatians 3:29 says, "if ye be Christ'[s - then are ye Abraham's
seed and heirs according to the promise.
For me to get a clear, personal view and understanding of these facts have greatly enhanced my confidence in prayer; my requests, praise and petitions with an acknowledgement of who I am before the Almighty! I can, as the Apostle said, approach the throne with boldness, through Christ, and make my requests known. The Psalms teach me and give an example of how to make that approach; with thanksgiving and praise as King David so aptly taught us to do.
Romans 4:16,17 assures us that it is of faith ( our knowing and having confidence of our position with the Father)that it might be by grace (favor given only by Him), to the end the promises might be sure
to all the seed; not to that only which is of the Law, but to that also which if of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all (as it is written, I (God) has made Abraham the father of many nations), according to that which was spoken,
so shall thy seed be.Precious promises have been sitting on the shelf of our hearts waiting to be fulfilled. Great relief has been there for the taking for all of our circumstances. Only the realization of our position in the
heavens, where God dwells, that He hears and answers our petitions, is waiting for our acknowledgement
of our position in Him!
We who are the seed of Abraham, David and Christ need to remind ourselves daily of who we really are. No power, no principality, no demon or angel can rob us of that position if we have a full understanding that we are to be kings and priests before our God. Kings making righteous decisions in their daily interactions; priests, whose main function was to minister to God first, then to
intercede for the lost and dying around them. Just as Christ did and continues to do for us, sitting at the right hand of the Father, we are to do in kind for others.
At the end of the age, all will be presented back to the Father of all! May we be found worthy and not be ashamed at His coming.
What initiated this process are the actions and promises of God in Psalm 18. They set the scene of when God finally becomes fed up with our condition and comes down to answer. He will do this for us ~
He hears our cry.
He becomes wroth at our situation.
The earth (things around us) shook and trembled.
Foundations of the hills (what hinders us) move and were shake.
Smoke came from His nostrils and fire out of His mouth devoured; coals were kindled; He bowed the heavens and comes down on our behalf.
Darkness covered His feet. He made darkness His secret place. Dark waters and thick clouds were His covering. (He is at work, but we cannot perceive it!)
He flew on the wing of the wind on Cherub. He thundered in the heavens and gave His voice - hailstones and coals of fire-He sent arrows and scattered them and shot out
lightenings and
discomfitted them (the forces that have been hindering our walk with Him.)
Channels of water were seen and the foundations exposed at His rebuke at the breath of His nostrils. (things deeply hidden in our spirit are exposed and need to be dealt with - immediately!)
He sent from above and drew us out - He delivers us.
The results of His appearing on our behalf?
1. By Him I have run through a troop and lept over the walls.2. As for God His ways are prefect.3. Who is God, save the LORD?4. Who is a Rock save our God?5. He teaches my hands to war - I can bend a bow of iron!6. He gave me the shield of salvation and His right hand holds me up. (I am never, never independent of His protection, never)7. Throughout this process, He enlarges my steps and I will not slip.8. He has girded me with strength for the battle.9. He has subdued those that rose up against me.10. It is God that avengeth me and delivers me from my enemies.11. He lifts me up against those who rise up against me.THEREFORE! I will give thanks unto Thee, O LORD, among the heathen! and sing praises unto Thy Name. Great deliverance giveth He to His king; and showeth mercy to His annointed, to David and to his seed forevermore. We are the seed of David through Christ.PRAY IN GREAT CONFIDENCE OF WHO WE ARE IN HIM.