Sunday, February 28, 2010

Suffering For Another

Thoughts of Oswald Chambers on suffering ~

Jesus Christ was a vicarious Sufferer (to act or do for another) for the sin of the world, and we have to be vicarious sufferers (on behalf of others) , filling up "that which is lacking of the afflictions of Christ" (Collosians 1:24)

Have we ever realized that through the Atonement we can take on ourselves a vicarious attitude before God, a vicarious penitence, knowing the fellowship of His suffering? (Philippians 3:10)

The sacrifice of the sanctified self is the lesson to be learned. We are saved and sanctified for God, not to be specimens in His showroom, but for God to do with us even as He did with Jesus, make us broken bread and poured-out wine as He chooses.

Not spiritual fireworks or hysterics, not fanaticism, but a blazing holy life that confronts the horrors of the world with a fierce purity, chaste physically, morally and spiritually, and this can only come about in the way it came about for Our LORD.

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