Monday, May 3, 2010

Holy One of Jacob

How often we limit the Holy One of Israel. Often I feel that I have labored in vain, spending my strength for nothing and in vain; yet surely, I remind myself, my judgment is with the LORD and my work is with my God. ( Isaiah 49)

This chapter in the book of Isaiah gives a profound picture of the Messiah and His work in doing the Father's business. It says that it is a small thing that the nation of Israel would be restored and brought back to the purpose of the Father. This issue was deemed so small in the eyes of God that He said that Christ would also be a light unto the Gentile nations; the people that did not fall under the Covenant of Abraham.

When this work is finally accomplished, over 2000 years later and counting, the kings and princes, the mighty ones of the earth will arise and also worship because the LORD has been faithful in the restoration of Israel, as He has promised. The restoration will be so profound that every breathing thing on this planet will be astounded at His workings over the centuries.

God also does this on our behalf; those who have been grafted into the commonwealth of Israel. God says that in an aceptable time He hears us; in the day of salvation He helps us. He preserves us and has given Christ as our covenant. We will be established in the earth and the desolate heritages, the sins, shame and pollution will be removed and restored as in the Garden of Eden when this thing all wraps up.

There are many who have been taken captive by the world systems, addictions and sins. Verse 24 of Isaiah 49 gives great hope for us in that regard! It says that the prey shall be taken from the mighty of the earth; the lawful captives shall be delivered! In foolishness I have become captive of many things in my 56 years of life. From a worldly sense it could seem to be hopeless and helpless. For Believers it matters little the reason for the captivity from our Father's perspective. He has declared that we would be set free, not by our doings or striving, but from a word that He utters and declares from the heavens.

Do not dispare. He promises that even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered; for He will contend with those that contend with us, and He will save His children. On that great day, or possibly days of deliverance, He said those who oppress us will be fed with their own flesh, they will devour themselves and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as wit sweet wine; the deliverance will be so profound that ALL flesh shall know that the LORD is our Saviour and our Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob.

Notice that He calls Himself the Mighty One of Jacob in this verse. The name Jacob gives a picture of one that tries to work things our for himself; through cunning and deceit he tries to " make things go his way"...I have been guilty of this and the enemy reminds me of this constantly. But this verse, these words of God give great comfort and are a picture of His forgiveness, His mercies and His compassions. The Mighty One of Jacob sent One who died for our sins and shortcomings; He is willing, able and eager to save.

The blood of Christ cleanses of all sins, even the sins of the world. He gives us the desire to live for Him and to strive to be holy, even as He is holy. The Spirit of prayer, praise and worship of Him is in us 24 hours a day; every day. Call out to Him for He is holy. Pray to Him for He cares and interceeds on our behalf. We do have a Great Advocate with the Father who even now listens to our every word. He has carved our name on the palm of His might hand.

Do not fret; the greater the captivity the greater the deliverance! The stronger the burden the more wonderous it will be when the burden is lifted. Christ said to pick up our cross and follow Him. Even He, after the beatings, torture and unbelievable night He had stumbled and another helped Him carry His cross; a man named Simon. We have a far greater One to help us!

Christ has been there; He knows. He has made precious promises of deliverance and assistance. He will do a new thing in our lives one day soon and we will be amazed at the journey as we look back and realize that it was all necessary. Do not lose heart, never lose hope; He who promised is faithful and true.

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