Tuesday, November 2, 2010

In Derision

There are many times that we find ourselves in the midst of derision. This is nothing new nor should it be unexpected for those who have a heart for God. Life in general, and our enemy in particular, do everything they can to derail us from our goal of pleasing God and trying to live a Godly life.

Psalm 119:51 says, " The proud have had me greatly in derision; yet have I not declined from Thy law..." It does not say that the proud tried to put him in derision; it says the proud DID PUT him in derision. Do not be taken by surprise and think you have somehow lost your way when this occurs.

We must read what the rest of Psalm 119 says for a proper response to these times we face quite often. Verse 49 through 56 says we should remember the word God has given to us. He will never leave us or forsake us. This causes us great hope and it a hope that rests upon a sure foundation; because it is HIS PROMISE TO US!

This hope is our comfort during our affliction; it is only for a short season. We can remind ourselves of God's righteous judgments ( decisions ) on our behalf because when He looks at us He sees His Son. We are truly washed in the blood of the Lamb of God. Never forget that!

At times, horror does take hold of us. because of the wicked that forsake His law we suffer the consequences and are often on the receiving end of their actions. But, His statutes are our songs in the house of our pilgrimage; remember, we are strangers and Pilgrims on this earth. Lights shining in great darkness. In this great night in which we find ourselves, remember His name in the midnight hour.

He is our portion! There is great treasure in the places of darkness. It is His secret place also. Fear not the dark; He is even there! Where can we go from His Presence?
Absolutely no where! He abides, He is present and He is in total control.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear, for He is with me. He anoints us for the journey we take; He sends angels, His ministering spirits to feed and nourish us as He did for Jesus and Elijah and Moses. He is no respecter of persons; what He does for one of His children He will do for all.

Be of good cheer! He has overcome the world! Fear not for He is with us; be not dismayed for HE IS OUR GOD!

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