Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Fixed Heart

It is recorded that King David, by his prayers committed himself and his cause to God being sure of his protection - his heart was fixed, and he was easy.

I have memorized this over the past few days while working; this verse is written on a little sheet of wrinkled paper I pull out of my pocket while cleaning the floors at a local High School. The concept of a man of David's character, trials, tribulations and success being in a place of mental and physical ease is quite profound.

Just one example, David's own son Absalom tried to overthrow the kingdom given to David by God. David had a man murdered so he could marry his wife. He had a child die. Israel was judged severely on another occasion when David took a census to show his strength; for this 70,000 men were killed by an avenging angel sent by God.

Furthermore, King Saul sought David's death for years; chasing David throughout the breadth and depth of Israel. While on the run from Saul, David was surrounded by a band of malcontents and outcasts. Yet, this man reached a place where he realized that God heard every prayer he ever prayed. He committed himself first, then he committed his circumstances to God.

Knowing that your prayers are heard and that God will protect you in all circumstances brings great comfort. I want to learn to fix my heart on this fact; this is from where this ease of David came from. He KNEW that he was heard. He established this in his heart and firmly believed it.

In Psalm 57:7 David said, " My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed - I will sing and give praise..." The background of this statement was David being surrounded by circumstances that could swallow him whole; confronted by men whose teeth were as spears and arrows, tongues as a sharp sword. Forces dug pits for David and prepared a net, setting traps to ensnare him. In the middle of this David fixed his heart to exalt the God of heaven-he awakened his heart to give praise, realizing the glory of his God.

How did he do this? By prayer! The same method we must use. Is David different than we? In John 6:37 Christ says, " All that the Father giveth Me shall come to Me; and those that come to Me I will in no wise cast out. " God comforts those who are for a season cast down (to everything there is a season). He sends comforts in ways we do not always understand ( 2 Corinthians 7:6).

Our comfort comes when we finally realize that no matter the circumstance, our prayers are heard by God. In this we must as King David, fix our heart to know we can have full confidence in God. He is our Father, we are His children; what more could we desire? He HEARS! He places a song in our heart and a passage of scripture to enlighten our paths and increase our faith.

When necessary we must also glorify God in the fires!

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