Sunday, April 1, 2012

Jerusalem City-wide Prayer-Asher Intrater

Jerusalem City-wide Prayer

This past Thursday, members of 6-7 congregations in Jerusalem met for an evening of joint praise and prayer. Pastors Eddie Santoro and Zvi Randelman led the prayers that concentrated on praise as spiritual warfare. We perceived that as the difficulties surrounding Israel in the end times become more and more intense, we must learn to look to the Lord and praise Him in the midst of difficulties, which will in turn release His power. He can turn what was meant for evil into good. Ultimately God desires for all people of all nations to repent and come to salvation. In the midst of tribulation, Israel will be saved (Jeremiah 30:7).

This prayer meeting took place on the eve of the "Global Million Man March to Jerusalem." This is not the first time that someone has tried to organize a million people to fight against Israel (II Chronicles 14:9). Nor will it be the last. The idea of unifying a worldwide or global effort against Israel will continue to worsen until eventually all the nations of the world will attack Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:2).

The very fact that multiple congregations in Jerusalem can come together on short notice for joint and united prayer is a sign of great spiritual victory. As we stand united in love and faith, the forces of evil will be divided and fall (Luke 11:17).

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