Saturday, March 24, 2012

Line Upon Line

We all hope in the mercy of the LORD. From the beginning of time mankind realized that there is One who is more powerful than he. All you need to do is look up into the night sky at the thousand of stars and constellations, to hear the roar of the thunder or the strong winds that blow in a storm to realize that Someone created all of this. The Bible says that God has planted within the human heart the realization that there is a God.

Psalm 21 says that the eyes of the LORD are upon those that hope in His mercy: to deliver their soul from death and to keep them alive in famine. The death of a soul is when one totally gives up hope of a future and being kept alive in famine is when others have nothing on which to feed their spirits, we have the Word of God. As the verse says, "the eyes of the LORD are upon us because we hope in His mercy."

Psalm 33 says that our heart will rejoice in Him, because we trust in His holy Name. A name is the revelation of who a person is. A name as used in the Bible was a description of a person's character. If we rejoice in His Name, and rejoice in Him, we have to know His characteristics and have an understanding of His character.

Is it possible to really know God? It is. He said He would be found of those who search for Him with their whole heart. This is not a casual relationship but an all encompassing obsession. For our heart to truly rejoice in Him, we have to know Him. He reveals Himself as our Help and Shield when we are in trouble. We sometimes walk right into trouble and it is of Him so that we get a new revelation of Who He is and just how in control He really is.

I have found that the words of Isaiah have been true in my life. God reveals Himself "precept upon precept, precept upon precept (twice!) line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little." (Isaiah 28)

He is present always. Always in total control. Knowing Him, realizing how much He cares for us, and that He desires our good both in this life and in the next gives great comfort. Be assured, He is an ever present help in time of trouble.

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